
1141 - Job Speaks of His Anguish

Job Speaks of His Anguish “Now, I am mocked by people, younger than I, by young men, whose fathers are not worthy to run with my sheepdogs. A lot of good they are to me—those worn-out wretches! They are gaunt, from poverty and hunger. They claw the dry ground, in desolate wastelands. They pluck wild greens, from among the bushes… and they eat from the roots, of broom trees. They are driven from human society, and people shout at them, as if they were thieves. So, now, they live in frightening ravines, or in caves, and among the rocks. They sound like animals, howling, among the bushes, huddled together, beneath the nettles. They are nameless fools, …..outcasts from society. “And, now, they mock me, with vulgar songs! They taunt me! They despise me, and they won’t come near me, …except to spit, in my face. For God has cut my bowstring. He has humbled me, …so, they have thrown off all restraint. These outcasts oppose me, to my face. They send me sprawling, …they lay traps in my path. The

1140 - Job Speaks of His Former Blessings

Job Speaks of His Former Blessings “I long for the years gone by, when God took care of me, when He lit up the way before me, and I walked safely, through the darkness. When I was in my prime, God’s friendship was felt in my home. The Almighty was still with me, and my children were around me. My steps were awash in cream, and the rocks gushed olive oil for me. “Those were the days, when I went to the city gate, and I took my place among the honored leaders. The young stepped aside when they saw me, and even the aged rose, in respect, at my coming. The princes stood in silence, and put their hands over their mouths. The highest officials, of the city, stood quietly, holding their tongues, in respect. “All, who heard me, praised me. All, who saw me, spoke well of me. For I assisted the poor, in their need, and the orphans, who required help. I helped those, without hope, and they blessed me. And I caused, the widows’ hearts, to sing for joy. Everything I did was honest. Righteousness co

1139 - Job Speaks of Wisdom and Understanding

Job Speaks of Wisdom and Understanding “People know where to mine for    silver, and how to refine gold. They know where to dig iron, from the earth, and how to smelt copper from rock. They know how to shine light, in the darkness, and how to explore the farthest regions of the earth, as they search in the dark, for metal ore. They sink a mine shaft into the earth, far from where anyone lives. They descend on ropes, swinging back and forth. Food is grown on the  (surface of the)  earth, above, but down below, …the earth is melted, as by fire. There, the rocks contain precious lapis lazuli, and the dust contains gold. These are treasures, that no bird of prey can see, that no falcon’s eye observe. No wild animal has walked upon these treasures; no lion has ever set his paw there. People know how to tear apart flinty rocks, and overturn the roots of mountains. They cut tunnels, in the rocks, and uncover precious stones. They dam up the trickling streams, and bring to light the hidden tre