More about skin diseases

More about skin diseases 

“Now suppose the disease has spread all over the person’s skin, covering the body from head to foot. 

When the priest examines the infected person and finds that the disease covers the entire body, he will pronounce the person ceremonially unclean. 

Since the skin has turned completely white, the person is unclean. 

If any open sores appear, the infected person will be pronounced ceremonially unclean. 

The priest must make this pronouncement, as soon as he sees an open sore, since open sores indicate the presence of a skin disease. 

However, if the open sores heal and turn white like the rest of the skin, the person must return to the priest, for another examination. 

If the affected areas have indeed turned white, the priest will then pronounce the person ceremonially clean by declaring, 

‘You are clean!’ 

“If anyone has a boil on the skin that has started to heal, but a white swelling or a reddish white spot develops in its place, that person must go to the priest to be examined. 

If the priest examines it and finds it to be more than skin-deep, and if the hair, in the affected area, has turned white, the priest must pronounce the person ceremonially unclean. 

The boil has become a serious skin disease. 

But, if the priest finds no white hair, on the affected area, and the problem appears to be no more than skin-deep, and has faded, the priest must quarantine the person for seven days. 

If during that time, the affected area spreads, on the skin, the priest must pronounce the person ceremonially unclean, because it is a serious disease. 

But if the area grows no larger and does not spread, it is merely the scar from the boil, and the priest will pronounce the person ceremonially clean. 

“If anyone has suffered a burn on the skin and the burned area changes color, becoming either reddish white or shiny white, the priest must examine it. 

If he finds that the hair, in the affected area, has turned white and the problem appears to be more than skin-deep, a skin disease has broken out in the burn. 

The priest must then pronounce the person ceremonially unclean, for it is clearly a serious skin disease. 

But, if the priest finds no white hair, on the affected area, and the problem appears to be no more than skin-deep and has faded, the priest must quarantine the infected person for seven days. 

On the seventh day the priest must examine the person again. 

If the affected area has spread, on the skin, the priest must pronounce that person ceremonially unclean, for it is clearly a serious skin disease. 

But if the affected area has not changed or spread on the skin and has faded, it is simply a swelling from the burn. 

The priest will then pronounce the person ceremonially clean, for it is only the scar from the burn. 

Leviticus 13:12–28 (NLT)

Praise be to God!


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