Redemption of Gifts Offered to the Lord

Redemption of Gifts Offered to the Lord

The Lord said to Moses, 

“Give the following instructions to the people of Israel. 

If anyone makes a special vow, to dedicate someone to the Lord, by paying the value of that person, here is the scale of values, to be used. 

A man, between the ages of twenty and sixty, is valued at fifty shekels of silver, as measured by the sanctuary shekel. 

A woman, of that age, is valued at thirty shekels of silver. 

A boy, between the ages of five and twenty, is valued at twenty shekels of silver; a girl, of that age, is valued at ten shekels of silver. 

A boy, between the ages of one month and five years, is valued at five shekels of silver; a girl, of that age, is valued at three shekels of silver. 

A man, older than sixty, is valued at fifteen shekels of silver; a woman, of that age, is valued at ten shekels of silver. 

If you desire, to make such a vow, but cannot afford to pay the required amount, take the person to the priest. 

He will determine the amount, for you to pay, based on what you can afford. 

“If your vow involves giving an animal, which is acceptable, as an offering to the Lord, any gift, to the Lord, will be considered holy. 

You may not exchange or substitute it for another animal—neither a good animal for a bad one, nor a bad animal for a good one. 

But, if you do exchange one animal for another, then both the original animal and its substitute will be considered holy. 

If your vow involves an unclean animal—one that is not acceptable, as an offering to the Lord—then you must bring the animal to the priest. 

He will assess its value, and his assessment will be final, whether high or low. 

If you want to buy back the animal, you must pay the value set by the priest, plus 20 percent. 

“If someone dedicates a house, to the Lord, the priest will come to assess its value. 

The priest’s assessment will be final, whether high or low. 

If the person, who dedicated the house, wants to buy it back, he must pay the value set by the priest, plus 20 percent. 

Then the house will again be his. 

Leviticus 27:1–15 (NLT)

Praise be to God!


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