Boundaries of the Land of Israel

Boundaries of the Land of Israel 

The Lord said to Moses, 

“Give these instructions to the Israelites: 

When you come into the land of Canaan, which I am giving you, as your special possession, these will be the boundaries. 

The southern portion, of your country, will extend from the wilderness of Zin, along the edge of Edom. 

The southern boundary will begin, on the east, at the Dead Sea. 

It will then run south past Scorpion Pass. in the direction of Zin. 

Its southernmost point will be Kadesh-barnea, from which it will go to Hazar-addar, and on to Azmon. 

From Azmon, the boundary will turn toward the Brook of Egypt …and end at the Mediterranean Sea. 

“Your western boundary will be the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. 

“Your northern boundary will begin at the Mediterranean Sea and run east to (Northern) Mount Hor (also known as Mt Manus in modern day southern Lebanon), then to Lebo-hamath, and on through Zedad and Ziphron, to Hazar-enan. 

This will be your northern boundary. 

“The eastern boundary will start at Hazar-enan and run south to Shepham, then down to Riblah on the east side of Ain. 

From there the boundary will run down along the eastern edge of the Sea of Galilee, and then along the Jordan River, to the Dead Sea. 

These are the boundaries of your land.” 

Then, Moses told the Israelites, 

“This territory is the homeland, which you are to divide among yourselves, by sacred lot. 

The Lord has commanded, that the land be divided, among the nine and a half remaining tribes. 

The families, of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh, have already received their grants of land, on the east side of the Jordan River, across from Jericho, toward the sunrise.” 

Numbers 34:1–15 (NLT)

Praise be to God!


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