Israel’s Disobedience with the Midianites

Israel’s Disobedience with the Midianites

Moses was furious, with all the generals and captains, who had returned from the battle. 

“Why have you let all the women live?” he demanded. 

“These are the very ones, who followed Balaam’s advice …and caused, the people of Israel, to rebel, against the Lord, at Mount Peor. 

They are the ones, who caused the plague, to strike the Lord’s people. 

So, kill all the boys …and all the women, who have had intercourse, with a man. Only the young girls, who are virgins, may live; …you may keep them for yourselves. 

And all of you, who have killed anyone …or touched a dead body, must stay outside the camp, for seven days. 

You must purify yourselves …and your captives …on the third …and seventh days. Purify all your clothing, too, and everything made of leather, goat hair, or wood.” 

Then, Eleazar, the priest, said to the men, who were in the battle, 

“The Lord has given Moses this legal requirement: 

Anything made of gold, silver, bronze, iron, tin, or lead—that is… all metals, that do not burn—must be passed through fire, in order to be made ceremonially pure. 

These metal objects must then be further purified, with the water of purification. But, everything that burns …must be purified, by the water alone. On the seventh day, you must wash your clothes …and be purified. Then, you may return to the camp.” 

Numbers 31:14–24 (NLT)

Praise be to God!


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