549 - A New Copy of the Covenant

A New Copy of the Covenant

Moses reminded the children of Israel, that…

“At that time, the Lord said to me, 

‘Chisel out two stone tablets, like the first ones. 

Also make a wooden Ark—a sacred chest, to store them. 

Come up to Me, on the mountain, and I will write, on the tablets, the same words, that were on the ones you smashed. 

Then, place the tablets in the Ark.’ 

“So, I made an Ark, of acacia wood, and cut two stone tablets, like the first two. Then, I went up the mountain, with the tablets, in my hand. 

Once again, the Lord wrote the Ten Commandments, on the tablets, and gave them to me. They were the same words, that the Lord had spoken to you, from the heart of the fire, on the day you were assembled, at the foot of the mountain. Then, I turned and came down the mountain …and I placed the tablets in the Ark, of the Covenant, which I had made, just as the Lord commanded me. 

And the tablets are still there, in the Ark to this day.” 

(The people of Israel set out from the wells, of the people of Jaakan, and traveled to Moserah, where Aaron died …and was buried. 

His son, Eleazar, ministered as high priest, in his place. 

Then, they journeyed to Gudgodah, and from there to Jotbathah, a land with many brooks and streams. 

At that time, the Lord set apart the tribe of Levi, to carry the Ark, of the Lord’s Covenant, and to stand before the Lord, as his ministers, and to pronounce blessings, in His name. 

These are their duties, to this day. 

That is why the Levites have no share, of property or possession of land, among the other Israelite tribes. The Lord, Himself, is their special possession, as the Lord your God told them.) 

“As for me, I stayed on the mountain, in the Lord’s presence for forty days and nights, as I had done the first time. 

And once again, the Lord listened to my pleas …and agreed not to destroy you. 

Then, the Lord said to me, 

‘Get up and resume the journey, …and lead the people to the land, which I swore to give to their ancestors, …so they may take possession of it.’ 

Deuteronomy 10:1–11 (NLT)

Praise be to God!


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