824 - Preparations for Building the Temple

Preparations for Building the Temple

King Hiram, of Tyre, had always been a loyal friend of David. 

When Hiram learned that David’s son, Solomon, was the new king, of Israel, he sent ambassadors, to congratulate him. 

Then, Solomon sent this message back to Hiram: 

“You know that my father, David, was not able to build a Temple, to honor the name of the Lord, his God, because of the many wars waged against him, by surrounding nations. 

He could not build, until the Lord gave him victory, over all his enemies. 

But now, the Lord, my God, has given me peace, on every side; I have no enemies, and all is well. 

So, I am planning to build a Temple, to honor, the name of the Lord, my God, just as He had instructed my father, David. 

For, the Lord told him, 

‘Your son, whom I will place, on your throne, will build the Temple, to honor My name.’ 

“Therefore, please command, that cedars, from Lebanon, be cut, for me. 

Let my men work alongside yours, and I will pay your men, whatever wages you ask. 

As you know, there is no one, among us, who can cut timber like you Sidonians!” 

When Hiram received Solomon’s message, he was very pleased and said, 

“Praise the Lord, today, for giving David a wise son, to be king, of the great nation, of Israel.” 

Then he sent this reply to Solomon: 

“I have received your message, and I will supply all the cedar …and cypress timber, that you need. 

My servants will bring the logs, from the Lebanon mountains, to the Mediterranean Sea …and make them into rafts …and float them along the coast, to whatever place you choose. 

Then, we will break the rafts apart, so you can carry the logs away. 

You can pay me, by supplying me, with food, for my household.” 

So, Hiram supplied as much cedar, and cypress timber, as Solomon desired. 

In return, Solomon sent him, an annual payment …of 100,000 bushels of wheat, for his household …and 110,000 gallons of pure olive oil. 

So, the Lord gave wisdom, to Solomon, just as He had promised. 

And Hiram and Solomon made a formal alliance, of peace. 

Then, King Solomon conscripted a labor force, of 30,000 men, from all Israel. 

He sent them, to Lebanon, in shifts, 10,000 every month, so that each man would be, in Lebanon one month, and two months at home. 

Adoniram was in charge of this labor force. 

Solomon also had 70,000 common laborers, 80,000 quarry workers, in the hill country, and 3,600 foremen, to supervise the work. 

At the king’s command, they quarried large blocks, of high-quality stone …and shaped them, to make the foundation, of the Temple. 

Men, from the city of Gebal, helped Solomon’s and Hiram’s builders, to prepare the timber …and the stone for the Temple. 

1 Kings 5:1–18 (NLT)

Praise be to God!


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