884 - Israel Plunders the Aramean Camp

Israel Plunders the Aramean Camp

The king, of Israel, got out of bed, in the middle of the night, and told his officers, 

“I know what has happened. 

The Arameans know we are starving, so they have left their camp, and have hidden, in the fields. 

They are expecting us, to leave the city, and then, they will take us alive, and capture the city.” 

One, of his officers replied, 

“We had better send out scouts, to check into this. 

Let them take five, of the remaining horses. 

If something happens, to them, it will be no worse, than if they stay here …and die, with the rest of us.” 

So, two chariots, with horses, were prepared, and the king sent out scouts, to see what had happened, to the Aramean army. 

They went all the way, to the Jordan River, following a trail, of clothing, and equipment, that the Arameans had thrown away, in their mad rush, to escape. 

The scouts returned, and told the king about it. 

Then, the people, of Samaria, rushed out, and plundered the Aramean camp. 

So, it was true, that six quarts, of choice flour, were sold, that day, for one piece of silver, …and twelve quarts, of barley grain, were sold, for one piece of silver, …just as the Lord had promised. 

The king appointed one of his officers, to control the traffic, at the gate, but he was knocked down, and trampled to death, as the people rushed out. 

So, everything happened, exactly, as the man, of God, had predicted, when the king came, to his house. 

The man, of God, had said to the king, 

“By this time tomorrow, in the markets of Samaria, six quarts, of choice flour, will cost one piece, of silver, …and twelve quarts, of barley grain, will cost one piece, of silver.” 

The king’s officer had replied, 

“That couldn’t happen, even if the Lord opened, the windows of heaven!” 

And the man, of God, had said, 

“You will see it happen, with your own eyes, but you won’t be able, to eat any of it!” 

And so it was, for the people trampled him, to death, at the gate! 

2 Kings 7:12–20 (NLT)

Praise be to God!


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