914 - Isaiah Prophesies the Lord’s Anger Against Assyria

Isaiah Prophesies the Lord’s Anger Against Assyria

Isaiah, the prophet, the son of Amoz, sent this message, to King Hezekiah: 

“This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: 

I have heard your prayer, about King Sennacherib, of Assyria. 

And the Lord has spoken this word, against him: 

“The virgin daughter, of Zion, 

despises you, and laughs at you. 

The daughter, of Jerusalem, 

shakes her head, in derision, as you flee. 

“Whom have you been defying …and ridiculing? 

Against whom, did you raise your voice? 

At whom, did you look… with such haughty eyes? 

It was the Holy One, of Israel! 

By your messengers, you have defied the Lord. 

You have said, 

‘With my many chariots, I have conquered the highest mountains— the remotest peaks, of Lebanon. 

I have cut down its tallest cedars, 

…and its finest cypress trees. 

I have reached its farthest corners, and explored its deepest forests. 

I have dug wells, in many foreign lands …and refreshed myself, with their water. 

With the sole, of my foot,  …I have stopped up all the rivers of Egypt!’ 

“But have you not heard? 

I decided this long ago. 

Long ago, I planned it, …and now, …I am making it happen. 

I planned, for you, to crush fortified cities… into heaps, of rubble. 

That is why, their people have so little power …and why they are so frightened… and confused. 

They are, as weak, as grass, 

…as easily trampled, as tender green shoots. 

They are, like grass, sprouting… on a housetop, …scorched, before it can grow lush …and tall. 

“But I know you well—where you stay …and when you come and go. 

I know the way, that you have raged… against Me. 

And, because of your raging… against Me …and your arrogance, which I have heard, for Myself, 

…I will put My hook in your nose, 

and My bit in your mouth. 

I will make you return, by the same road, on which you came.” 

2 Kings 19:20–28 (NLT)

Praise be to God!


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