915 - Isaiah Predicts Judah’s Deliverance and Assyria’s Demise

Isaiah Predicts Judah’s Deliverance and Assyria’s Demise

Isaiah, the prophet, the son of Amoz, sent this message, to King Hezekiah:

 “Here is the proof that what I say about Assyria is true: 

“This year, you will eat only, what grows up, by itself, …and next year, you will eat, what springs up, …from that

But, in the third year, you will plant crops, and harvest them; …you will tend vineyards, and eat their fruit. 

And you, who are left, in Judah, 

who have escaped, the ravages, of the siege, …will put roots down, in your own soil …and will grow-up, and flourish. 

For a remnant, of My people, will spread out, from Jerusalem, 

…a group of survivors, 

…from Mount Zion. 

The passionate commitment, 

…of the Lord, of Heaven’s Armies, 

will make this happen! 

“And this is, what the Lord says, about the king, of Assyria: 

“His armies …will not enter Jerusalem. 

They will not even shoot an arrow …at it. 

They will not march… outside its gates, with their shields, 

…nor will they build banks, 

of earth, against its walls. 

The king will return, to his own country, by the same road, on which he came. 

He will not enter this city, 

…says the Lord. 

For My own honor, and for the sake of My servant David, 

…I will defend this city, 

…and protect it.” 

So, that night, the angel, of the Lord, went out, to the Assyrian camp …and killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. 

When, the surviving Assyrians, woke up, the next morning, 

…they found corpses, everywhere. 

Then, King Sennacherib, of Assyria, broke camp, and returned to his own land. 

He went home, to his capital, of Nineveh, and stayed there. 

Then, one day, while he was worshiping, in the temple, of his god Nisroch, …his sons: Adrammelech and Sharezer, …killed him, with their swords. 

They, then escaped, to the land, of Ararat, and another son, Esarhaddon, became the next king, of Assyria. 

2 Kings 19:29–37 (NLT)

Praise be to God!


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