941 - This is the Priestly Line of Israel

This is the Priestly Line of Israel

The sons of Levi were Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. 

The descendants of Kohath, included Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. 

The children of Amram were Aaron, Moses, and Miriam. 

The sons of Aaron were Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. 

Eleazar was the father of Phinehas. 

Phinehas was the father of Abishua. 

Abishua was the father of Bukki. 

Bukki was the father of Uzzi. 

Uzzi was the father of Zerahiah. 

Zerahiah was the father of Meraioth. 

Meraioth was the father of Amariah. 

Amariah was the father of Ahitub. 

Ahitub was the father of Zadok. 

Zadok was the father of Ahimaaz. 

Ahimaaz was the father of Azariah. 

Azariah was the father of Johanan. 

Johanan was the father of Azariah, the high priest, at the time that Temple was built, by Solomon, in Jerusalem. 

Azariah was the father of Amariah. 

Amariah was the father of Ahitub. 

Ahitub was the father of Zadok. 

Zadok was the father of Shallum. 

Shallum was the father of Hilkiah. 

Hilkiah was the father of Azariah. 

Azariah was the father of Seraiah. 

Seraiah was the father of Jehozadak, who went into exile, when the Lord sent the people, of Judah and Jerusalem, into captivity, under Nebuchadnezzar. 

1 Chronicles 6:1–15 (NLT)

Praise be to God!


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