995 - Solomon prays for the future of Israel

Solomon prays for the future of Israel 

Yes, hear us from heaven where You live, (Oh, Lord) and when You hear us, forgive us. 

“If someone wrongs another person… and is required to take an oath of innocence, in front of Your altar, at this Temple, then hear from heaven …and judge between Your servants—the accuser and the accused. 

Pay back the guilty as they deserve. 

Acquit the innocent, because of their innocence. 

“If Your people Israel are defeated by their enemies, because they have sinned against You, …and if they turn back and acknowledge Your name and pray to You, here in this Temple, then hear from heaven …and forgive the sin of Your people Israel …and return them to this land… that You gave to them and to their ancestors. 

“If the skies are shut up and there is no rain, because Your people have sinned against You, …and if they pray toward this Temple …and acknowledge Your name …and turn from their sins, because You have punished them, then hear from heaven and forgive the sins of Your servants, Your people Israel. 

Teach them to follow the right path, and send rain on Your land… the land that You have given to Your people, as their special possession. 

“If there is a famine in the land, or a plague, or crop disease, or attacks of locusts or caterpillars, or if Your people’s enemies are in the land besieging their towns—whatever disaster or disease there is—and if Your people, Israel, pray about their troubles or sorrow, …raising their hands toward this Temple, …then hear from heaven where You live, and forgive them. 

Give Your people what their actions deserve, for You alone know each human heart. 

Then, they will fear You …and walk in Your ways, as long as they live, in the land that You gave to our ancestors. 

2 Chronicles 6:21–31 (NLT)

Praise be to God!


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