1142 - Job Continues Speaking of His Anguish

Job Continues Speaking of His Anguish

“Now, my life seeps away.

Depression haunts my days.

At night, my bones are filled with pain, …pain that gnaws at me, relentlessly.

With a strong hand, God grabs my shirt.

He grips me, by the collar of my coat.

He has thrown me into the mud.

I’m nothing more than dust …and ashes.

“I cry to you, O God, …but You don’t answer.

I stand before You, …but You don’t even look at me.

You have become cruel, toward me.

You use Your power, to persecute me.

You throw me into the whirlwind,

and You destroy me, in the storm.

I know You are sending me to my death—to the destination, of all who live.

“Surely no one would turn, against the needy, when they cry for help, in their trouble.

…Did I not weep, for those in trouble?

Was I not deeply grieved, for the needy?

So I looked for good, …but evil came instead.

I waited for the light, …but darkness fell.

My heart is troubled, …and restless.

Days, of suffering, torment me.

I walk in gloom, without sunlight.

I stand in the public square …and I cry for help.

Instead, I am considered a brother, to jackals, and a companion, to owls.

My skin has turned dark, and my bones burn with fever.

My harp plays sad music, and my flute accompanies those …who weep.

Holy Bible: 

New Living Translation

Tyndale House Publishers.

Job 30:16-31

Praise be to God!


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