1155 - The Lord challenged Job from the whirlwind

The Lord challenged Job from the whirlwind

Of course you know all things! (Don’t you, Job… the Lord said challenging him.)

For you were born, before it was all created, and you are so very experienced!

“But, have you visited the storehouses of snow, …or seen the storehouses of hail?

I have reserved them, as weapons for the time of trouble,

for the day of battle and war.

The Lord warned Job.

Then, He continued His challenge…

Where is the path, to the source of light?

Where is the home, of the east wind?

“Who created a channel, for the torrents of rain?

Who laid out the path, for the lightning?

Who makes the rain fall, on barren land, in a desert, where no one lives?

Who sends rain, to satisfy the parched ground, and make the tender grass spring up?

“Does the rain have a Father?

Who gives birth to the dew?

Who is the Mother of the ice?

Who gives birth to the frost, from the heavens?

For the water turns to ice, as hard as rock, and the surface, of the water, freezes.

“Can you direct the movement of the stars—binding the cluster of the Pleiades, or loosening the cords of Orion?

Can you direct the constellations, through the seasons, or guide the Bear, with her cubs, across the heavens?

Do you know the laws of the universe?

Can you use them to regulate the earth?

“Can you shout to the clouds, and make it rain?

Can you make lightning appear,

and cause it to strike, as you direct?

Who gives intuition to the heart,

and instinct to the mind?

Who is wise enough, to count all the clouds?

Who can tilt the water jars, of heaven, when the parched ground is dry, and the soil has hardened, into clods?

“Can you stalk prey, for a lioness,

and satisfy the young lions’ appetites, as they lie in their dens, or crouch in the thicket?

Who provides food for the ravens,

when their young cry out to God,

and wander about in hunger?

Holy Bible: 

New Living Translation

Tyndale House Publishers.

Job 38:20-41

Praise be to God!


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