1206 - Psalm 52 and 53
Psalm 52 and 53
Psalm 52
These are the directions for the choir director:
This is a psalm of David, from the time Doeg, the Edomite, said to Saul,
“David has gone to see Ahimelech.”
Why do you boast about your crimes, great warrior?
Don’t you realize God’s justice continues forever?
All day long, you plot destruction.
Your tongue cuts like a sharp razor; …you are an expert at telling lies.
You love evil, more than good…
and lies, more than truth.
Interlude is
You love to destroy others with your words, …you liar!
But God will strike you down, once and for all.
He will pull you from your home
and uproot you from the land of the living.
The righteous will see it and be amazed.
They will laugh and say,
“Look at what happens to mighty warriors, ….when they do not trust in God.
They trust their wealth, instead of God, and they grow more and more bold in their wickedness.”
But I am like an olive tree, thriving in the house of God.
I will always trust in God’s unfailing love.
I will praise you forever, O God, ….I will praise You for what you have done.
I will trust in your good name, in the presence of your faithful people.
Psalm 53
For the choir director: this is a meditation; a psalm of David.
Only fools say in their hearts,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good!
God looks down from heaven, ….He looks down on the entire human race; …He looks to see if anyone is truly wise, …and He looks to see if anyone seeks God.
But no, ….all have turned away; all have become corrupt.
No one does good,
…not a single one!
Will those who do evil never learn?
They eat up my people like bread and wouldn’t think of praying to God.
But terror will grip them, …terror like they have never known before.
God will scatter the bones of your enemies, O Israel.
You will put them to shame, for God has rejected them.
Who will come from Mount Zion to rescue Israel?
When God restores His people, Jacob will shout with joy, and Israel will rejoice.
Tyndale House Publishers.
Psalm 52-53
Praise be to God!
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